Saturday, January 23, 2010

inspiration....holding on

So, today I got my new PB teen catalog....loved the ideas and feel like I can use some of these items in my beach room, and my future sunrise beach room...I love the idea of the beach so much, I'm going to make two rooms in my house beachy. Progress is slow, but getting there. One room is so close to being finished....with Spring ahead I know I'll get the painting accomplished...then new rugs, curtains, and wall treatments, and maybe a new light fixture.

Here's my inspiring idea of the day...thanks PB teen! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I feel good.....

James Brown sentiments....echo through my head as I wind down after the events of the day. Painting of the dinning room/office/ on track, or at least not forgotten indefinitely....painted another section today. A small success in the right direction. Moved furniture, a little organizing of an old piece of furniture in a new spot, some thorough cleaning here and there and lots of good things accomplished at church today and ....exactly...I FEEL GOOD. Can we keep this feeling alive please!
Thinking about the seagrass chair in my breakfast nook, maybe a pair of them, instead of a table....???

Sunday, January 3, 2010

snowing...and burr, it's cold

The day has held surprises with the beginning flurries of the morning, continuing all day long and accumulation now building on roads, autos, and roof tops in the neighborhood. And tomorrow is the first day back to work after the holidays....oh well, Murphy's law, I! It is so surprising though, this neck of the woods rarely sees much snow, so when it comes, you just have to stop what your doing if you want to enjoy the experience, because it just doesn't last long. I expect it to stop any minute, let's see by morning if I'm still surprised.

Spent part of the lazy times of this day, planning out a few projects. An armoire for my son, and some built in benches for my breakfast nook. Both projects are going to be done on a dime, so I hope I can be really creative and smart. The armoire will be beach inspired, so I'm thinking rope, seashells, marbles, trim, ect...on the front of an inexpesive storage piece from Home Depot, and maybe some splashes of paint....still thinking.

The breakfast nook seemed very easy, until I found ideas from books around my home, now I'm thinking it might need more than just a bench...maybe some shelving up by the windows....again, still's a very small nook, don't want to make it seem careful planning.
I really loved the cubby wall idea I found from country living...sooo cool!

Friday, January 1, 2010

new year....let's begin!

So I find myself, on this beautiful sunny, but cold first day of 2010, putting up my Christmas decor, while cooking a big pot of Black Eyed Peas and thinking of what will my goals be for this year?

And I have to ask myself, what did I accomplish last year? My answer is not nearly as much as I wanted. I did not lose any weight, (heavy sigh) which would be bad if I had not gained. Well, let me rephrase that answer, I lost some and I gained more. But yet again, I resign myself to make this an ultimate goal this year.

I did get something organized, and that feels GREAT! But as with many other list, it's on-going.

The laundry is so much better than it was last year! yea!

Also, I started on redecorating and remodling my son's be a new Beachy place to do my scrapebooking and just a kind of hang out place for myself...and it came very close to being accomplished. New paint, new floors, new light fixture, new bead board and molding...still need to finish the ceiling tiles and molding and get furniture....but it will be put on hold as my son will be returning home for a while till he can get a good paying job with his degree and save some money for his own place and a car....needless to say, he's still driving the one he got at graduation from high school in 2003, and it was a hand me down. So some small, but important success in getting that room finished...again yea!

And the guest room, which I tackled too, to have a beachy feel, got a great start, some new furniture, new bedding, but still need to do painting on walls, and furniture and the guest bath off the room needs some plumbing issues resolved....hopefully nothing major. So there, that has to remain on the list for 2010 to finish this spring and summer.

So what can I start today on my to do list for 2010, well....I do want to eat better, read my bible through this year (I only lasted with my daily readings through May of last year and then I don't know what happened to me), and since I'm putting up Christmas decor a good time to organize some of the main living areas and rethink the decor. All that being said, I guess it's time to get busy!!!!

:) now let me find some inspiration, I think I'll check out PB as always....