Saturday, May 2, 2009

rainy day blues

Wow, looking at the last post, I just realize how busy I've been this month, bearly having any free time for blogging. Today, though seems to be a perfect day, it's raining outside and has been all day, so what's better to do than play on the computer, right?!

I have been fairly busy today, eight loads of laundry!! You'd think I haven't washed anything all week, but that's not the case, I seem to always be doing laundry, I guess it's like doing dishes! lol...never ending.

Also, went into my beach room to focus on some decor ideas, and I'm hoping to have the room finished by October.

The above pics are just great dreaming ideas and inspirations to help me make it through this yucky day! :)


  1. I was just contemplating developing a loggia area like this in my yard. Thanks for the inspiration; you always provide plety of that

  2. Thank you so much! You always make me smile and feel good about my ideas, I really enjoy your comments! :)
